Chilcote Primary School

A Rights Respecting School

School closure - Monday 4th January

Monday 4th January 2021

Good evening Parents/Carers,


Further to the Prime Minister’s announcement this evening, I am writing to confirm that school will be closed with immediate effect. Whilst we were aware that this was a distinct possibility, we were not expecting it to come into effect so quickly. We realise how inconvenient this is for the vast majority of you and we empathise. Given the short notice, staff will be on site tomorrow planning for our provision from Wednesday onwards.

We will send you a more detailed response tomorrow, outlining expected timescales for closure, information about remote learning for all and information about applying for key worker places. The key information you need to familiarise yourself with this evening has been summarised below

: 1. School is closed to ALL pupils from tomorrow, Tuesday 5th January.

2. School will be open to children of Key Worker families from Wednesday 6th January. We will send out booking forms tomorrow, along with the revised Government criteria for what constitutes Key/Critical workers.

3. Online learning for all will be uploaded to SeeSaw from the morning of Wednesday 6th January.

4. Hard copies of learning materials will be available on request.

5. Home Learning for tomorrow (Tuesday 5 th ) could include reading and activities from Numbots, Times Tables Rockstars and Spelling Shed. If you have not yet accessed the Home Learning Packs on the school website, please use these as a starting point. Oak Academy also offers a host of learning materials for the full primary age range.

Given how busy we are going to be tomorrow morning, please can I ask that all enquiries, whether by phone or email, are delayed until after 12 noon.

This will allow us an uninterrupted period of time to put all necessary plans in place to ensure this next phase of home learning is as seamless and productive as possible. Thanking you in anticipation of your support with this matter.

Kind regards,

Debbie Doherty