Rights Respecting School
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Please clink on the link below for our Reaccreditation report 2024
UNCRC Gold re-accreditation report - June 2024
UNICEF UK Rights Respecting School - Gold award letter
A Gold Rights Respecting School
Chilcote Primary is proud to be a ‘Rights Respecting School’ and was awarded Gold status in the summer of 2019.
The Rights Respecting Schools Award puts children’s rights at the heart of everything we do. The Award recognises the school’s achievement in putting the ‘United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child’ into practice within the school and beyond.
At Chilcote, children’s rights are embedded across the school and underpin every facet of school life. The Duty Bearers (all adults) and children have a clear understanding of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) and how it relates to their own lives and the lives of other children.
(UNICEF is the world’s leading organisation working for children and their rights. In 1989, governments worldwide promised all children the same rights by adopting the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. These rights are based on what a child needs to survive, grow, participate and fulfil their potential.)
“Rights are the things every child should have or be able to do. All children have the same rights. Almost every country has agreed to the ‘UN Convention on the Rights of the Child’.”
Chilcote aspires for all pupils to succeed and provides quality support to enable all children to access their rights and enjoy a quality education. Children learn about rights in a variety of ways including through the school values, the right of the month assemblies, displays and the curriculum. Teaching about rights is embedded and aligned with the school’s practices.
Chilcote, remains committed to building a ‘rights respecting environment.’ This involves promoting the values of the CRC and using the principles to underpin the school improvement.
We are currently reviewing our School Vision Statement so that the importance of the CRC is reflected throughout and provides the rational for school improvement.
Our commitment to underpin the curriculum with children’s rights has led us to place The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child at the heart of our Curriculum documents.
The children are always our top priority and their best interest is always at the heart of Chilcote.
How parents can help children to know their rights?
Spend time to talk about the articles at home.
Look at the children’s (Newsround), local and worldwide news. These will often link with rights learning.
Talk about the ‘Article of the Month’ and how this links to the ‘Value of the Month’.
Discuss learning about rights and encourage pupils to relate rights to current issues.
Sing songs they have learnt to help understand their rights.
Join in with local charity events and school charity days.
Take action for positive change in their local community e.g. litter pick, recycle; plastic, metal, clothing, leafleting to raise awareness.
Find out about global issues and the sustainable development mission (By 2030). Talk about how these link to the 17 Global Goals.
Give an hour of your time to charity e.g. the homeless, elderly, a hospice.
Encourage your child to take action for positive change in their local and global community. E.g. clear the plastics from our seas and oceans.
Get involved to make a difference. E.g. Woodland trust.org.uk100k-plant a tree to save the world.
A Rights Respecting School
More about the Award!
UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
What is the Rights Respecting School Award?
The Rights Respecting School Award (RRSA) is an initiative run by UNICEF UK, which encourages schools to place the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) at the heart of its ethos and curriculum.
To achieve this award, staff, parents and pupils need to have an understanding of the Articles which make up the Convention and know how they can use these articles in their daily lives.
For further information, please see
To enable school to achieve this award, we continue to :
Teach the children the Articles and the meaning of them.
Work with the children to promote the Articles in a way that is meaningful to them;
Display the Articles around school and in classrooms to reinforce the meaning;
Talk about the Articles in all lessons and whenever, link them to the subject being taught;
Underpin our policies and practices to the UN Convention
Share the values of the Convention through our assemblies.
Work with the wider community to ensure children enjoy their rights beyond the school.
What are the Articles?
How can it make a difference?
The Unicef UK Rights Respecting Schools Award supports schools across the UK to embed children’s human rights in their ethos and culture.
The Award recognises achievement in putting the UN Convention on the Right of the Child (UNCRC) at the heart of a school’s practice to improve well-being and help all children and young people realise their potential.
The award is based on principles of equality, dignity, respect, non-discrimination and participation. The initiative started in 2006 and schools involved in the Award have reported a positive impact on relationships and well-being, leading to better learning and behaviour, with improved academic standards.
UNCRC Governor supporting statements - May 2024
UNCRC accreditation is a real asset to Chilcote and I believe it adds so much value to the children’s experience and education. As Governors we support the CRC initiative and can see practically how this has a positive impact on pupils, both when considering how these rights apply to themselves but also looking more broadly and supporting children around the world in having their rights respected. A powerful example is that of the recent sponsored walk for Gaza. Parents and children in the school community felt strongly that they wanted to raise funds for children in Gaza, to support them in having access to their rights. The sponsored walk was a great success, both in terms of money raised and participation from parents and children. Being aware of, and embedding the CRC serves to inspire the children in realising these rights both for themselves and for the wider community.
Umamah Ahmed
As a Parent Governor I have supported and given encouragement at Board meetings to engage with CRC activities as I see the positives from such initiatives. The recent School Walk to raise funds for Gaza, has raised an awareness in our children. It was also inspiring to see such a diverse group of parents take part in the walk along with their children, which truly is a testament to Chilcote’s ambition to create global citizens and sense of community. My child at the School , is developing a sense of social justice, empathy and curiosity on world affairs which I credit to the School’s response & encouragement for dialogue around respect and justice.
Saiqa Andleeb