Chilcote Primary School

A Rights Respecting School

Remote Learning Feedback


Thank you for all you are doing to support them during this challenging time.

12th February 2021

Year 3 



I would personally like to take this opportunity to thank Mrs Watt and Mrs Nasar from the bottom of my heart for the help and support you have provided not just for our child, but also us as a family during this difficult time.


You have been instrumental in allowing us to continue working and keeping a roof over our heads, my child that needs constant stimulation and additional activities, as he is unable to develop and learn on his own. You have been vocal and made a number of telephone calls, have been great in keeping us updated, despite the other pressures you face.


I am proud to have two children attend a school of excellence, not just academically supporting the children but taking personal care and attention in their wellbeing.

27th January 2021