Chilcote Primary School

A Rights Respecting School

Welcome from the PTA

The PTA Committee would like to extend a warm welcome to all new parents/carers to the school and welcome back existing members.  The PTA is the Parent Teacher Association and every parent/carer automatically becomes part of the PTA when their child joins the school.  So welcome aboard!

What does the PTA do?

We develop strong and effective relationships between the staff, parents and others associated with the school to build a sense of community. We also aim to advance the education of the children by engaging in activities or providing facilities or equipment, which support the school and the pupils. This is done primarily through fundraising.

How can you help?

We welcome whatever help you can offer. We always need volunteers to help set-up and run our events or to become part of the PTA committee. It could be as simple as turning up to one of our events, or buying a cake or a raffle ticket now or then. Do as much or as little as you feel able to. Contact any of the committee members to discuss further.

What does the school get out of the PTA?

Our main purpose is to raise money and how that money is spent changes each year. Last year the many thousands of £’s raised by the PTA helped to:


2023/2024 Fundraising attached below 

pta fundraising 1 .pdf


2016/2017 £5000.00 - Ipads

£3000.00 - Staging Contribution

£148.76  - Arts Fund


£3150.00 - Kings Heath Partnership Membership

£1000.00 - Choir and T.Shirts/Coaches

£49.99 - Food Bank Bin

£270.00 Huff and Puff Equipment

£354.00 Nursery Role Play Equipment



 If you are able to help with any events then please contact us on or