Chilcote Primary School

A Rights Respecting School



Curriculum Overview

In line with our school motto ‘AIM HIGH’, our principal curriculum driver is ASPIRATIONS. Our continuous drive for the achievement of the highest academic standards, coupled with our robust pastoral and extra-curricular provision enables us to fully support all pupils in being aspirational and to achieve readiness for the next stage of their educational journey. Our beliefs in the principles of Respect, Resilience and Inclusion collectively mirror our key school values.

Curriculum Coverage EYFS

For children in Nursery and Reception, we follow the ‘Statutory Framework for the Early Years and Foundation Stage’ which has been effective since September 2021. Our EYFS teaching team offer a creative curriculum that is underpinned by the three prime areas of learning (Communication and Language, Physical Development and Personal, Social and Emotional Development). These are then supplemented with teaching of the four specific areas of learning (literacy, maths, understanding of the world and expressive arts and design) as set out in the aforementioned statutory framework.

Curriculum Coverage KS1 & KS2

Children in Key Stages 1 and 2 receive a broad and balanced curriculum in each year group. We believe a broad and balanced curriculum to be one which encompasses, across an academic year, the full range of subjects outlined within the statutory National Curriculum effective from 2014 ( In order to facilitate children making connections in their learning, we have adopted bespoke ‘golden threads’ for each curriculum subject which apply across both Key Stages. The content of each curriculum area is subject progressive, denoted by ‘milestones’ which state clearly what every pupil should know at different stages.


We are a reading school and as such, we believe in the power of reading. Learning to read well and being inspired to become a life-long reader, is at the core of our curriculum. Reading underpins and drives excellence in all other learning. Reading is first among equals and forms the roots and branches from which our pupils, and all other subjects, grow.  


We firmly believe that phonics and phonetical knowledge are key components in children learning to read independently. Therefore, our EYFS and Key Stage One children receive a daily phonics lesson. In addition, phonics teaching may continue in Key Stage 2 for identified pupils. All phonics lessons at Chilcote are taught using the Twinkl phonics scheme of work and its accompanying resources. This scheme provides a synthetic approach to teaching phonics.

Safeguarding in the curriculum

We believe every child should feel both physically and emotionally safe. To equip them with the skills and knowledge to achieve this, different aspects of safeguarding are carefully mapped across the curriculum, taking into account pupils' ages and developmental stages.

British Values

The promotion of British Values is also a statutory duty of schools. These values are democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs. At Chilcote, we promote and embrace these values across our curriculum. They are intertwined within the teaching of multiple areas of our broad and balanced curriculum and are also taught through our bespoke school values. In addition, as a ‘Rights Respecting School’ we also teach the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child articles. These are intertwined with the teaching of our curriculum lessons and are highlighted where appropriate in everyday school life.

Our Promise to Pupils (OPPs)

At Chilcote, every effort is made to ensure that children have opportunities to experience a wide range of experiences beyond the curriculum and the classroom. Throughout their time with us, children will have the opportunity to: learn a musical instrument; engage in outdoor learning (Forest School); participate in residential trips; listen to inspirational speakers; engage in community and/or charity projects or activities; attend cultural, artistic, musical and sporting events; explore future careers; undertake an enterprise project; perform in a range of productions; and have their talents and abilities recognised.